The Last Hand-Pounded Pesto of the Season (with Fresh Pasta and An Heirloom Tomato Salad!)

I'm as lazy as most people when it comes to pesto...  I usually use the food processor...

But a few times a year, I pound it!  The flavor really is different.

Basil, garlic, parsley, sea salt, and nuts (this time, I used walnuts).  Pound the %^*# out of this mixture with the mortar and pestle of your choice.  Stir in copious amounts of really good EVOO...  Add as much Parmigiano (or Grana Padano of your choice) as you wish.  Dilute with a little pasta water.  Toss with great pasta (homemade...

... or store bought).  Add more cheese...

And be glad you live in a world that includes pesto!!!

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