The Absolute Best Cherry Pie


Please don't kill me when you realize...

I'm talking about a pizza pie...

Smothered in some really flavorful black and red cherry tomatoes!

Make your favorite pizza dough.  Mine is...

While preheating the oven, I roasted about 30 cherry tomatoes.  I started by tossing them into a very hot skillet, adding some EVOO, and then placing the skillet in the oven.  When they started splitting, I took them out.

I also had an heirloom tomato, a Cherokee Purple, that needed to be used.  So I chopped it up and sautéed it in a saucepan with 4-6 minced garlic cloves.  I added some sage and a minced dragon cayenne from the garden.

When this was "saucy," I set it aside to cool.

To assemble the pie, I rolled and stretched the dough... covered it with the sauce... scattered the split cherries... topped with some mozzarella and Parmigiano...

Baked it...

And when it came out... I scattered small or julienned basil leaves over the top.

Trust me....this is the Margherita of your dreams!

Remember to let it cool a bit.  Those. Cherries. Are. Molten.

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