"Indian" Curry Pizza

Please forgive me for not posting lately.  I’ve been so busy writing articles for various digital platforms that I have seriously neglected my own TOC.  I will try to correct that! 

So, a few nights ago, I made a pretty wonderful (and wildly hot) Incendiary Chicken Curry.  We enjoyed it that night, and had a bit left over.  Not quite enough for another go... so I started wondering what I could use it for.  I’m a big fan of using techniques from one cuisine with foods from another, so the idea of an "Indian" pizza seemed like a very interesting mash-up to play with. 

I made my usual basic pizza dough and, while it was proofing, I decided to add some cabbage to the curry.  Not wanting to let the pizza get soggy, I chopped about 5 leaves, and nuked them with ¼ C water for about 3 minutes, and then squeezed out as much liquid as I could.  (Interesting sidebar:  I used my potato ricer to squeeze the liquid out of the cabbage. It worked perfectly, and I didn’t have to dirty a kitchen towel!)  I then mixed the barely cooked cabbage with the curry (about ¾ C).

Feeling the need for a bit more onion flavor, I sliced a shallot as thin as I could and separated the slices into rings. 

I rolled out the dough, spread the curry/cabbage mixture over the dough (with a 1 inch border), scattered the shallots...

and topped with diced mozzarella...

This baked on my pizza steel (an incredible invention, by the way) at 550°  for 7-8 minutes. When it came out , I scattered cilantro, sliced scallions, and toasted cumin across the pie. 

And I have to say, this was one of the best pizzas we have ever had. 

So whenever you happen to have some Indian food left over...

P.S.  And check out my Incendiary Chicken Curry recipe, too, since it was the inspiration for this dish!

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